Friday 4 August 2017


   Deep mind is British artificial intelligence company founded in September 2010. The founders are
   Dennis Hassabins,Shane Legg and Mustafa sulleyman.
   The company has a created a neural network that learns how to play video games just like the human beings.The  company made headlines in 2016 after it introduced ALPHA GO program and even defeated the GO professional player champion for the first time in human history.

    Now the google and Deep mind has doing a great projects in the fields of A.I and machine                    learning.Google and Deepmind about Artificial Intelligence

      Deepmind technologies goal is to an A.I by combining machine learning and system neural                 networks.They not only want to implement this in machines but also on the human brains,to               understand it, study it and to go beyond god's boundaries that he has laid on us.

       we should hope that this A.I should control in the hands of its creators.No matter how much the A.I is full of information or fast or anything ,but it can never match a human's WISDOM.